

The music program at Westminster offers opportunities for formal and informal involvement. Students can join student-run a cappella groups or participate in 管乐团. 另外, many students have weekly private lessons on an instrument or voice with accomplished instructors in order to improve technique and proficiency. Students interested in music have access to acoustically enhanced practice studios and at least 10 钢琴s on campus to use for practice and recreation. 在冬季学期, the music and theater 项目 collaborate to produce a fully staged musical, 由学生和专业人士组成的管弦乐队完成.



  • 管乐团

    The band’s schedule of three to four rehearsals per week during the class day is structured to allow as many students as possible the chance to participate in an instrumental ensemble. Song lists range from jazz and pop arrangements to traditional concert band repertoire.

    乐队在父母周末音乐会上演出, 烛光课和圣歌礼拜, 冬季艺术节和春季音乐会. 
  • 爵士乐团

    The 爵士乐团 rehearses once a week and is comprised of the elite members of the 管乐团 who share an interest in further exploring the jazz repertoire. Emphasis is placed on the two essential elements of jazz: improvisation and swing. In addition to performing at the three major concerts during the fall, 冬季和春季学期, the group also plays at other school functions throughout the year.
  • 合唱团

    这是最大的合唱团, which performs in various school concerts and at the annual Candlelight Lessons and Carols 教堂 Service. The 合唱团 explores a variety of musical styles ranging from the 16th century to the present. The group is open to all interested students, including those with no prior musical experience. The 合唱团 rehearses two to three times a week during the class day. The highlight of the year for many students is the Spring “pops” concert programming which features accompaniment by drums, 钢琴, 贝斯和吉他, 以及新的和出版的无伴奏合唱安排. Involvement in 合唱团 for two years fulfills a student’s arts requirement.
  • 室合唱团

    This group is limited to a maximum of 24 singers who must audition with the director, 大卫Chrzanowski, 谁也是学校教堂的管风琴手. Membership in the 合唱团 is a requirement for participation in this ensemble. The group focuses on the performance of challenging repertoire both accompanied and a cappella, 从牧歌到无伴奏的流行歌曲. 除了主要的学校音乐会, 演出包括理事和校友活动, 教堂服务, 偶尔也会参加校外音乐活动. Rehearsals are twice per week during the class day plus required sectional rehearsals after school. Involvement in 室合唱团 for one year fulfills a student’s arts requirement.



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