威斯敏斯特舞蹈团每三个月在美丽的维尔纳百年剧院举行一场完全制作的音乐会. The 跳舞 Ensemble rehearses during the class schedule. Members may fulfill the required arts credit by participation of two years. 许多舞团成员享受编舞自己的舞蹈的机会,并给予鼓励编舞, 生产, and perform these dances with the guidance of the Director of 跳舞.
许多舞蹈团成员也参加下午舞蹈节目,以满足运动/下午的要求. Although the afternoon program provides primarily technique and 调节 classes, 这些学生也可能表演, 有时在非正式的表演中. A genuine desire to learn a variety of dance styles, 调节, form, and technique is necessary to participate.