Westminster’s spectacular 85,2009年秋天,占地5000平方英尺的阿默尔学术中心开放,包括人文和数学科学两部分, surrounding a centrally located glass atrium. 在观赏风景, LEED金牌认证建筑拥有小班教学,鼓励学生互动, 最先进的技术, abundant informal meeting spaces, 还有大窗户,可以捕捉自然光和法明顿山谷的壮丽景色.
Armour embodies the four core values of Westminster – community, 字符, 平衡和参与——因为它提供了正式和非正式的讨论空间, 放松和学习, 以及最先进的技术和材料,以确保最高水平的教学和学习. 在一天中的任何时间, 你可以在科尔图书馆找到正在做研究或解决问题的学生, 聚集在一间自习室, hanging out and eating snacks in the Atrium, or quietly reading next to the fireplace in Gund Room. 装甲提供资源, including a sixteen-seat planetarium, lecture hall and impressive labs, to enable students and faculty to explore science, 数学和人文在明亮的空间专门设计的教学和学习. armor通过鼓励与学者和彼此的接触,将社区团结在一起.
State-of-the-Art 技术
中心的每个教室都配备了最先进的教育技术,以提高教与学. Tools such as sophisticated interactive whiteboards, 多媒体播放器和先进的音响系统使威斯敏斯特的老师们可以在指尖触摸下将全球信息带入教室,并即时分享和保存工作.
While most students bring a laptop computer to school, 台式电脑可用于个人工作或小组教学在计算机实验室和科尔图书馆. The library also offers a classroom with a full audiovisual package.
从青少年收藏, devoted to teen reading and coming-of-age information, to the rigorous research projects that are integrated into the curriculum, Westminster’s 科尔库 serves its students and faculty with focus and flexibility. Carefully selected non-fiction books and online resources, together with our interlibrary loan service, facilitate research and learning.
A diverse selection of titles, ranging from classic to contemporary works, supports reading for pleasure, 经常更新的专题展示使学生了解当前的问题,并提醒他们新的和吸引人的材料. 图书管理员, 与校园组织和广大社区合作,推广图书馆服务和图书馆主办的特别活动. Our three experienced librarians, Mrs. Johri,夫人. 格里菲斯和夫人. 史蒂文斯, 欢迎你的建议, 请求, questions and opportunities to support students in their efforts.
巴克斯特画廊, adjoining Armstrong Atrium in the Armour 学术中心, showcases the school's permanent collection of paintings, prints and sculpture dating from the late 19th to the early 21st century. The collection includes work created by Westminster alumni, 前教师, 以及由威斯敏斯特校友及其家人慷慨捐赠给学校的国际知名艺术家. 每年春天, the gallery is transformed into exhibition space for the annual 校友 Art Exhibit, showcasing the work of several alumni artists.
Students of all levels display their work in a variety of visible spaces on campus, 包括亲密的汉密尔顿艺术画廊和教堂画廊,每年都有几个学生和教师的展览.